_ģ̶Ł̶1̶ɫ̶C̶ʮ̶_Δ┌┼---\/\/\/\/\/\/!┬---jonCates_(AKA "Glitch Art with jonCates") |
at Neutral Ground Contemporary Art Forum && online FEATURING: Absolute Value of Noise, Alan Sondheim, Antonio Roberts, ASCETICHARLOT, Attraktor Zeros, Benjamin Gaulon, Carrie Gates & Jon Vaughn, David Gerhard, Erik Rzepka, Glitchr, Holly Lay, Ian Campbell, Jeff Kolar, jonCates, Kim Asendorf, Nelson Diaz, Rebecca Caines, Rozita Fogelman, Ryan Hill, Shawne Holloway, stAllio!, Systaime Alias Michaël Borras, YUNG PHARAØH + ƴPH∆R∆ØHɧ▲▲△⌡!îxXx. (YUNG PH∆R∆ØH, Ei Jane Janet Lin && jonCates)!!! THURS SEPT 12 - SAT SEPT 14 2013 && GL1TCH.US FILES AVAILABLE AS BEFORE ![]() |
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CRASHING SYSTEMS... "Crash is also all about uncertainty... Crash exposes a vast range of social, political and computational issues at the same time as itself acting or signifying exposure. Crash can readily be seen as the exposure of the programmable and machinic in that what perhaps was not necessarily viewed as a machine or as coded is now revealed as such." - Martin Howse (of ap/xxxxx) from: Always Crashing - Martin Howse (2005) CONTINUUMS: PRE-GLITCH ⇌ GLITCH ⇋ POST-GLITCH pre-glitch - GL1TCH.US - post-glitch @ SXSW - jonCates (2013) from jonCates on Vimeo. FORMS && FIELDS Round Robin - Chicago's Dirty New Media at the MCA from F Newsmagazine on Vimeo. GLITCH: mayhaps we live nowww inna Glitch Era in witch we exxxperience breakages based on broken promises of a previous eras…we humans live inna broken world, a technologized world of our own making ![]() ![]() "glitch art is getting odd mainstream attention from that Superman trailer to this upcoming film. next FOX will have a sitcom called Glitch about some pot-smoking video artists living together…." - Logan Owlbeemoth + Datamosh: Realtime datamosh/compression-artifacting plugin for Quartz Composer - Tom / bangnoise (2010 - 2012) ![]() Opti-Glitch Video Art Machine: Circuit Bent Analog Video/Photo Effects Mixer - Tachyons+ AKA Logan Owlbeemoth POST-GLITCH: GLITCH ART APPS, PRESETS + PALETTES ![]() Jon Cox posted to Glitch Artists Collective: "What software do people use to make their glitch?" ![]() "Glitch" VST plug-in - ILLFORMED (Kieran Foster) (2005) "glitch art is easy" Satromizer - bensyverson (2002 - present) The Satromizer for iPhone™ is "the world's first multitouch glitch tool". As Ben Syverson writes, The Satromizer is "a unique artware for the iPhone™ and iPod® Touch". Syverson also writes that he "has created many versions of the Satromizer with Jon over the years". The 1rst versions of the Satromizer were developed by Syverson when he and Satrom were both students of mine in 2001. The initial Satromizer emerged from a discussion/consideration of Brian Eno's speculative Eno Box. In 1995 Brian Eno was interviewed for Wired Magazine by Kevin Kelly. during this interview Kelly asked Eno: "If I could give you a black box that could do anything, what would you have it do?" Eno replied: "I would love to have a box onto which I could offload choice making. A thing that makes choices about its outputs, and says to itself, This is a good output, reinforce that, or replay it, or feed it back in. I would love to have this machine stand for me. I could program this box to be my particular taste and interest in things." Eno continued in his response to a follow up question: "...I want to be able to sell systems for making my music as well as selling pieces of music. In the future, you won't buy artists' works; you'll buy software that makes original pieces of "their" works, or that recreates their way of looking at things. You could buy a Shostakovich box, or you could buy a Brahms box. You might want some Shostakovich slow-movement-like music to be generated. So then you use that box. Or you could buy a Brian Eno box. So then I would need to put in this box a device that represents my taste for choosing pieces." 2009, iOS version: ![]() ![]() TENDENCIES / CONVENTIONS: GLITCH FORMALISM + gL1TɔHƒ4CΣz ![]() Rhizome | Formalism & Glitch ![]() ![]() ![]() Andrew Salgado + FACE TIME: Portraiture in the digital age - gallerieswest