On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Nick Briz <nickbriz@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Evan,
The other night Jon Cates and I spoke about making this potential conference a reality. We spoke about the different venues/organizations in Chicago that might be great locations for screenings, performances, panels, etc. as well as institutions that would be great to partner up with and get funding/resources. Chicago has a lively "dirty new media" scene and would be a great place to host an event like this. I also recently spoke to Jon Satrom about all this as well. It seems the first step is to get the Film, Video, New Media department at SAIC to back up the conference. With their support comes funding and resources and a name to attach to this shin-dig in order to seek further support. Jon Cates thinks that it can definitely happen Spring’11. He’ll be teaching new media classes at the time and Jon Satrom will be teaching his Glitch class and so by incorporating that into this thing we’ll likely get the school’s support. First things first, we need to write up a proposal for Greg Bordowitz, he’s the chair of the FVNM dept. and decides weather or not the school will back this.
In terms of how to present this thing, Jon mentioned that “Glitch” might be to narrow a lens to look at this through; I suggested framing it the way Rosa does. She rarely uses the term as an umbrella, rather she focuses more on “noise” (abstractly) and breaks that down into three categories: glitch, compression artifacts, and feedback. So we can frame this as perhaps a “Noise & New Media Art” thing with some kind of glitch subtitle. Then we could bring Rosa as a key speaker (for panels, performances, etc.) through something like the school’s “conversations at the edge program.” (that’s the same program that brought Naomi Uman, Phil Soloman, Corey Archangel, JODI, etc.)
So the idea would be to give it a slightly larger frame (Noise && New Media) to pull from as many resources as we can and spread this thing all over town (lectures, panels, performances, screenings, parties, etc.). Try and get funding and bring people, like Rosa… then we might also be able to get help from other institutions like KHM in Cologne where Rosa is getting her PhD in noise artifacts. I’m very new to the details on putting something like this together but Jon is a veteran and very enthusiastic about making this happen.
So again, first we need a proposal. It doesn’t have to be super detailed, just a general idea of the issues/ideas we want to address/explore with the conference. I’m probably going to meet with Jon&Jon sometime soon to discuss it, I know you’re pretty busy with stuff, but if you get a chance to maybe jot down some ideas and email ‘em to me(us) it’ll definitely help. If not don’t worry about it too much, this is just to get SAIC’s support, which is important, but ultimately we’ve got a year to work out and discuss this all in detail.
I’m excited.
from jon.satrom jonsatrom@gmail.com
to Nick Briz <nickbriz@gmail.com>
cc Evan Meaney <emeaney1@gmail.com>,
jonCates <joncates@gmail.com>
date Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:50 PM
subject Re: Gl1tch.Conf11
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hide details 11/24/09
Thanks for instigating the thread, Nick.
I really like the broad brush-strokes and connections to noise + dirty new-media being proposed.
I look forward to dev'ing this with yawl!
- j.satrom
from Evan Meaney emeaney1@gmail.com
to Nick Briz <nickbriz@gmail.com>
cc Evan Meaney <emeaney1@gmail.com>,
jonCates <joncates@gmail.com>,
"jon.satrom" <jonsatrom@gmail.com>
date Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:06 PM
subject Re: Gl1tch.Conf11
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hide details 11/24/09
Gl1tch friends:
I spoke with Nick yesterday about a proposal for the conference. And because I spent much of last night and parts of today in airports with a bit of free time, I thought I would kick us off. I wrote up the attached document and hope this will give us a nice jumping off point for a successful proposal. Nick suggested a google doc and I think this might serve us well, maybe we should go ahead and make a glitchcon11@gmail.com account? Perhaps this will give us something to use or rebel against in the making something awesome. So yeah, less talk - more rock. Here it goes,
from Evan Meaney emeaney1@gmail.com
to Nick Briz <nickbriz@gmail.com>,
"jon.satrom" <jonsatrom@gmail.com>,
jonCates <joncates@gmail.com>
cc Evan Meaney <emeaney1@gmail.com>
date Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 5:24 PM
subject Re: Gl1tch.Conf11
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hide details 12/8/09
I know this is a super busy time of the year,
but I wanted to poke my head out of the Iowa snow
and see about this conference proposal.
I know we said we wanted to get it to the SAIC
higher ups and I just wanted to know what needs to be done
to do that?
cheers and theory
from jonCates joncates@gmail.com
to Evan Meaney <emeaney1@gmail.com>
cc Nick Briz <nickbriz@gmail.com>,
"jon.satrom" <jonsatrom@gmail.com>
date Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 8:49 PM
subject Re: Gl1tch.Conf11
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hide details 12/8/09
hi Evan, Nick + Jon.S
thnx for chx'n in Evan
ive bin quiet online b/c i was in Melbourne .AU for the RE:LIVE Media Art Histories conference. Nick is midway thru critique week, presenting his work. Jon.S is prep'ing for various live shows w/his realtime A/V project, I LOVE PRESETS
our next steps will be to refine + edit the txt, then present it to the Chair of the department as FVNM will be the host + advocate for the conference @ SAIC. once we present the proposal to Gregg Bordowitz, Chair of FVNM, we will then further develop or refine the proposal
as Nick wrote, ive successfully organized a number of conferences/festivals/events + am rly looking fwd to this project. ill be taking a look @ the txt of the proposal + making sum edits + emailing everyOne soon b4 we take this to Gregg. we should take this to Gregg b4 the end of the semester. that should b soon enuff
Evan, do you think the U of Iowa will be able to officially support/participate, even if the event takes place in Chicago? as an organizer + presenter would you be able to come to Chicago w/the help of U of Iowa?
// jonCates
Assistant Professor
Film, Video & New Media
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago